
How To Find Linux Version Installed

Most people retrieve of Linux as an operating system only it is really a kernel; A kernel is a bridge betwixt the software and hardware of a computer. Linux-based operating systems are actually called Linux distributions which usually include the Linux kernel along with software package managers, software, and graphical user interface.

It is important to always know the kernel and OS version of your organisation, particularly if yous're an administrator. Knowing the version of your kernel and Bone tin assistance you decide which package managing director to use to install new software and whether that software is supported past your system or not. It can also help in installing security patches and identifying the features available in your organization.

The Bone version of a Linux distribution tin exist adamant by using the command-line interface besides equally a graphical user interface. In Linux, CLI is preferred over GUI as it provides more control over the OS. In this commodity, we volition mostly focus on the control line methods which can be used to check the OS version of a Linux distribution.

There are a number of different methods which can be used to make up one's mind the version of a Linux-based Bone using the control-line interface.

How to Check Linux Bone version using lsb_release

The lsb_release is a pre-installed utility in major Linux distributions which tin can exist used to display the Linux Standard Base information on the command-line interface. Utilise the below-given control to determine the Bone version of your organisation:

          lsb_release -a                  

Check Linux Version on Debian

If information technology is not pre-installed in your OS, yous can use your package manager to install this utility:

          sudo apt install lsb-release                  

The apt is the package manager in Debian-based systems.

If yous only desire the version number instead of the whole LSB information then use the following command:

          lsb_release -d                  

check os version with lsb_release

Check Linux version from the /etc/effect file

The /etc/issue is a simple text file that has the identification data of the organization. This information is printed on the screen before the login prompt. Use the below-given command to display the contents of the file on the control line interface:

          cat /etc/issue                  

Check Linux Version /etc/issue

Cheque Linux Os version from the /etc/os-release file

The /etc/os-release file contains all the information related to the operating system. It is a configuration file just included in the systemd package of the latest Linux distributions.

To show the contents of the /etc/os-release file on the CLI employ the below-given command.

          cat /etc/os-release                  

Check OS Version in Linux

Check Linux Version with hostnamectl control

The main purpose of the hostnamectl control is to modify or cheque the host name; but this command can too be used to cheque the Os and Kernel version of the arrangement:


Find Linux OS Version with hostnamectl

How to Cheque OS Version on an Old Linux Systems

If you lot're running a very quondam Linux distribution then you might not be able to use any of the in a higher place commands. Utilise the following command to know the Os version on your old arrangement:

          cat /etc/*release                  

How to check Linux kernel version of the system by using the uname command
The uname control tin be used to display the kernel version of your system on the terminal:

          uname -srm                  


Linux v.4.0-73-generic x86_64


Knowing the OS and kernel version of your organization is of import as it keeps y'all informed almost the updated features of your system. The Bone version tin can also be checked using GUI if your Linux distribution has a desktop environment.

In this how-to guide, nosotros learned to bank check the version of a Linux distribution using a control-line interface. We also learned to check the Kernel version of the system.


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